Dutch Shepherd Dog

Dutch Shepherd Dog

The Dutch Shepherd is a relatively new breed that shares a striking resemblance to its close relatives the German and Belgian Shepherds. While their lineage is incredibly close and they only recently diverged to form their own breed, the Dutch Shepherd is quite rare...


Drevers have a sturdy and compact build with short legs, a deep chest, and a long body. Despite their short stature, they are muscular and well-proportioned for their size. They are scent hounds known for their exceptional sense of smell. They were originally bred for...
Drentsche Patridge Dog

Drentsche Patridge Dog

The Drentsche Patrijshond, also known as the Drentse Partridge Dog or Drent, is a versatile hunting dog breed originating from the Netherlands. It is primarily a hunting dog known for its versatility in various hunting tasks, including pointing, retrieving, and...
Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino

Also known as the Argentine Mastiff, it is a large and muscular breed originally developed in Argentina for big game hunting. Initially used to hunt large game such as puma and wild boar, the Dogo Argentino has stamina, endurance, and courage for days. These dogs are...


The Dingo is a type of wild dog found throughout most of Australia. While its origins are debatable, there are two main theories behind the breed’s existence, one being that they were brought over from Southeast Asia some 4,000 years ago, the other being that...