These medium to large-sized dogs have a sleek, well-muscled frame, a smooth coat, and the long, floppy hallmark hound ears. Bred primarily for hunting raccoons, Treeing Walker Coonhounds possess exceptional scenting abilities and a strong prey drive. They are...
The Transylvanian Hound, also known as the Erdélyi Kopó in its native Hungary, is a rare and ancient breed primarily used for hunting and tracking. They are bred for hunting, particularly for tracking and trailing game such as boar, deer, and hare. They possess...
Toy Poodles are small, intelligent, and affectionate dogs known for their distinctive and elegant appearance and playful personalities. Characterized by their curly coat, dark, intelligent eyes, and graceful gait. They are often groomed in various styles, such as the...
Tibetan Terriers, or “Tsang Apso”, are medium-sized dogs with a distinct double coat (although low-shedding), known for their intelligence, playfulness, and loyalty. They were bred as companion breeds, rather than for typical terrier traits. They were...
The Tibetan Mastiff is a rare, large and majestic breed known for its imposing presence, loyalty, and protective instincts, with a coat resembling a lion’s mane. Used as watchdogs and livestock guardians for thousands of years, this ancient breed is known for...